Datetime Schema

Create a schema that matches date or time values.

It can be used for dates, time, date with time and also ranges of them which consists of a start and end date or time.

See at Any Schema for the inherited methods you may call like:

  • title()
  • detail()
  • required()
  • forbidden()
  • default()
  • stripEmpty()
  • allow()
  • deny()
  • valid()
  • invalid()
  • raw()

1. Type

This schema may contain different form of dates. At first you may set the type to only contain the date, only the time or both (default: datetime). Also this type may collect a time range which consists of a start and end value as an array.

This validator will parse the given format using different technologies in nearly all common formats:

  • ISO 8601 datetimes

    '2013-02-08 09'
    '2013-02-08 09:30'
    '2013-02-08 09:30:26'
    '2013-02-08 09:30:26.123'
    '2013-02-08 24:00:00.00'
  • ISO 8601 time only

  • ISO 8601 date only

    '2013-02-08 09'
    '2013-W06-5 09'
    '2013-039 09'
  • ISO 8601 with timezone

    '2013-02-08 09+07:00'
    '2013-02-08 09-0100'
    '2013-02-08 09Z'
    '2013-02-08 09:30:26.123+07:00'
  • natural language: 'today', 'tomorrow', 'yesterday', 'last friday'

  • named dates

    '17 August 2013'
    '19 Aug 2013'
    '20 Aug. 2013'
    'Sat Aug 17 2013 18:40:39 GMT+0900 (JST)'
  • relative dates

    'This Friday at 13:00'
    '5 days ago'
  • specials: 'now'

1.1. type('date'|'time'|'datetime')

Set the type, the part of the date to store,

const schema = new DateSchema().type('date')
schema.type() // to go back to default setting

1.2. timezone(string)

Set the timezone which is assumed as default if none is given. You may give the short names or the complete written names.

const schema = new DateSchema().timezone('EST')
schema.timezone('Eastern Standard Time') // alternative with complete name
schema.timezone() // to remove setting

References are also possible:

const ref = new Reference('EST')
const schema = new DateSchema().timezone(ref)

2. Validation

You may give a time frame in which the date may be. The time frame may also be given in the same way as the date value. So you can also use the 'now' date.

2.1. min(value) / max(value) / greater(value) / less(value)

Define a allowed range of min, max or greater, less settings. The given time/date has to be within the defined range. While min and max also includes the given limit as time/date greater and less will not.

const schema = new DateSchema().min('now') // date in the future
schema.min() // to remove setting

const schema = new DateSchema().less('now') // date in the past
schema.less() // to remove setting

This method names are used in favoir of before and after to be equivalent to the number type and others.

3. Format

3.1. format()

Define the format for the output. This may be milliseconds or seconds (alias unix) to convert to a unix timestamp (since 1st January 1970) or with a format defined under:

You may also use some of the predefined formats:

  • ISO8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ
  • RFC1123: ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss z
  • RFC2822: ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ
  • RFC822: ddd, DD MMM YY HH:mm:ss ZZ
  • RFC1036: ddd, D MMM YY HH:mm:ss ZZ
const schema = new DateSchema().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
schema.format() // to remove setting

If no format is given a Date object is returned.

const ref = new Reference('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
const schema = new DateSchema().format(ref)

3.2. toLocale()

The format can also be converted to other locales (non english). You may also use some special localized formats with this.

const schema = new DateSchema().toLocale('de').format('LLLL')
schema.toLocale() // to remove locale setting
const ref = new Reference('de')
const schema = new DateSchema().toLocale(ref).format('LLLL')

3.3. toTimezone()

This allows to change the timezone of the outcoming time in format:

const schema = new DateSchema().toTimezone('CET').format('LLLL')
schema.toTimezone() // to remove setting
const ref = new Reference('CET')
const schema = new DateSchema().toTimezone(ref).format('LLLL')

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