
Validate.js uses a constraint setting as JavaScript Object including injected reporting functions. It has the ability to customize the message of each validation.

var constraints = {
  username: {
    presence: true,
    exclusion: {
      within: ["nicklas"],
      message: "'%{value}' is not allowed"
  password: {
    presence: true,
    length: {
      minimum: 6,
      message: "must be at least 6 characters"

validate({password: "bad"}, constraints);
// => {
//   "username": ["Username can't be blank"],
//   "password": ["Password must be at least 6 characters"]
// }

This is a more basic way with less possibilities. A lot have to be programmed here each time again.

1. Feature comparison

The following table shows all Validate.js features and the identical or nearest way to reach the same using alinex-validator.

The code examples are only pseudo code to make it shorter

validate.js V 0.11.1 Alinex
date date.type('date')
datetime date
datetime.earliest=val date.min(val)
datetime.latest=val date.max(val)
datetime.dateOnly date.type('date')
email email
equality=ref any.allow(Reference().path(ref))
exclusion=list any.deny(list)
format=pattern string.match(pattern)
inclusion.list any.allow(list) string.length(num)
length.minimum=num string.min(num)
length.maximum=num string.max(num)
numerically number
numerically.onlyInteger number.integer()
numerically.strict don't use number.sanitize()
numerically.greaterThan=num number.greater(num)
numerically.greaterThanOrEqualTo=num number.min(num)
numerically.equalTo=num number.allow(num)
numerically.lessThan=num number.less(num)
numerically.lessThanOrEqualTo=num number.max(num)
numerically.divisibleBy=num number.multiple(num)
numerically.odd logic.deny(number.multiple(2))
numerically.even number.multiple(2)
presence schema.required()
url url
capitalize() string.upperCase('first')
cleanAttributes() object.removeUnknown()
contains(list) any.allow(list)
isArray() array
isBoolean boolean
isDate() date
isDefined() schema.stripEmpty()
isFunction() function
isHash() preset.md5 or preset.sha1
isInteger() number.integer()
isNumber() number
isObject() object
isPromise() -
isString() string
prettify() -

results matching ""

    No results matching ""